Monday, February 11, 2008

Senior Thoughts About a Lot of Things

What do you mean I've gained another five pounds!
Sound familiar? Having reached the plateau of life, that means I am a senior citizen, I can not believe what is happening to my body. I follow all of my Doctors instructions, and beyond what tell me to do. I've cut back on my food intake to about half of what I used to eat and still I have accumulated an additional 20 pounds, and growing. I bought a stationary bike and ride every other day, like they told me. Yet, over the years, I have left the 180 lb. weight class, which wasn't too bad for a 5 foot eleven frame. Alas,now I have achieved the 205-210 class for the past 9 years.

The first explanation was; "that's because you've quit smoking." OK, but what about not eating as much? No Reply.
The next reason a while later was; "that's because you needed the gall bladder operation." OK, I repeated, but what about not eating as much? Once again, No Reply.

Yes, I can remember being that "little rolly-poly kid" that had to wear chubby sized trousers until I reached eleven. Then I shot up like a bean pole and could really eat anything I wanted..and did.

Much to my dismay, with as much effort as I am exerting now, it just doesn't seem to be eliminating the pounds.

I can Thank God I have good recall. I haven't had the curse of any forgetfulness. Yet, sometimes I find myself thinking, that's really too much information to retain after all of these years.

Then, while surfing the net, [which is not a part of my exercise routine] I found a web site which first made me chuckle, then peeked my interest. It talked about,
"lose 9 lbs. every 11 days."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS I HAD TO SEE. If this sounds interesting to you, write me for more information.

Oh, by the way, You don't have to be a BOOMER or SENIOR to get the information.

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